Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Final Project, GIS 5043 Lab

Below is the final result of the semester work on ArcGIS.  This link contains a storymap of a proposed idea of study on a transmission line effects on surrounding areas of Manatee and Sarasota county.  Additionally, this project was achieved from the combination of the previous techniques learn throughout the semester.  This link is; and it will lead you to the story map titled "Impositions for the Installation of the Transmission Line." 

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Georeferencing and 3D Model

This lab works was with georeferencing and 3D model of the UWF campus imagery. The lime green and brown colors represent the UWF buildings, whereas the Mapped Building 072.  Pale white is the general road of the UWF campus, while blue is the Campus Lane road we mapped.  To create the 3D image of UWF campus, UWF_Lidar.lasd was used.  The red dot represents the Eagle nest near UWF campus.
Figure 1: 3-D Model of the UWF Main Campus
Figure 2: Projection Buffer for the Eagle Nest on UWF Campus

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


This week on GIS (5043), the lab focus on data between excel and ArcGIS.  Specifically the lab required taking school data of Brevard County, Florida, adding and organizing it to excel, then apply it to ArcGIS.  Additionally, the lab focused on locating and matching schools to appropriate location using street addresses and physical matching for schools that did not automatically match.  The finish product can be viewed on ArcGIS online at the website.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Vector Analysis

This lab worked with and modifying vector data.  Specifically, we worked with creating buffer of water and roads, then using the Union function to join the items, and removing area with Erase that overlapped with Conservation area.  The areas were then divided by gradual colors to divide by sizes of possible campsites.  The sizes ranges was less than or equal to 160 hectares was black, navy color was between 160 to 320 hectares, between 320 to 480 hectares was color gray, brown had a hectare range of 480 to 640, and yellow was 640 to 800 hectares.  Roads were defined as the red lines, with water being the blue sections.  Lastly, a map of Mississippi was included to show position of De Soto National Forest within the state.  The star located in the bottom left represents its location within Mississippi.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Week 3: Public Safety and Projections

Figure 1:  Week 3 contained practice on the creation of projection and the importance of uniform projections within a map. The above map was the product created from this lesson.  Note the table shows the variations in area of the selected area between the three types of projections used for this exercise.  Also this lab went further into providing what occurs when different projects are applied to the same map.
In addition, week 3 lab included an additional part. This part was to demonstrates ArcGIS Collector ability to enter informational data within the field.  In addition, the lab provided a breakdown of common map sharing abilities available between various sources.  This included how to add data to Google Earth, KML file creation, and make a map package.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Week 2: Cartography

The University of West Florida Main Campus map was the created project of this week. Its goal was the creation of a map that contains essential map elements and made use of effective cartographic choices. This provided me the opportunity to become familiar with making effective cartographic choices and what were the essential map elements. Also, this project had a goal for students to become familiar with metadata. While navigating metadata, it assisted in being able to reference and locate the key pieces of the metadata information which will become more prevalent later in the semester.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Week 1: ArcGIS Overview

Today began the introduction work for ArcGIS coursework. 
The map above is the result of learning the overview material

The Final Project, GIS 5043 Lab

Below is the final result of the semester work on ArcGIS.  This link contains a storymap of a proposed idea of study on a transmission line ...